Sunday, January 9, 2011

Getting the hang of it...

...the falling that is!

It's been a fun day! We got out early with the first of the ski lifts and made our way to the opposite face of big daddy mountain. Finding 2 other ski runs to attempt.
When the body is strong after 11 hours sleep, it's capable of doing nearly anything. As soon as it takes a break and realize's how much work it's done, all of a sudden things change.
The minute my left leg got tired, I fell...face forward. Right leg got tired, fell backward, banged my head. And when you're body is tired how do you fall? On your bum after caterpaulting yourself with the board an additional half meter into the air.
I then made the effort of finding the others and called it a day.
Hamstrings, tendens, knees, neck and back are all talking. Will see how the others feel when they return.

I hope the evening is spent at home, going out into the cold might prove more painful.

From the old and cripple, till tomorrow, auf vitazen!

Spectacular views to spoil you with. ;-)


  1. Wow, didn't realise the top of the ski slope was so high.
    Great views!
    LoL! How can you be a cripple at your age?
    Amazing how the only real way to get fit for a particular activity, is to repeat that same activity!
    I guess the aches and pains should be over in a few days though.
    Looking at the weather, it seems like there's some cloud cover and rain on its way. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday in particular!
    Good snow report though.
    Snow 1100mm deep on the mountain, with a significant avalanche alert level!!!!
    Whoop whoop!
    Also found a whole page of webcams, which update every 15 mins., but aren't great, as they only show a still frame.
    Lots of different webcams, so let us know the name of the slope you ski on.
    The pics do give a good idea of where you are though, so don't forget to smile for the camera!
    Have FUN!

  2. Very very interesting!! Thanks wigs. There doesn't seem to be a panic or excitement in the village.
    Will see what the morning provides. I'll also look at the camera's in the morning and let you know so someone can get a shot of me on the mountain.
    They all seem to be of the same location. Although the camera with red painted wood statue thing is a medium skill run. I won't be there.


  3. Unfortunately some of those camera's are positioned too high and the ones that are low are on advanced slopes. So I'm not able to smile and wave.

    Will see if I can find one on the mountain for a picture tomorrow.


  4. Hey Chris, is this you?
