Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day1 Boarding: Pass!

Whoop whoop!

The lessons paid off!! Out on the slopes, I was a champion!
Started well and only managed to fall several times! :-D
Made good turns and carved the snow/ice well.
Legs aren't too sore, although tomorrow might be a worse. We shall see. There is expected snow for tomorrow night. Let's hope it materializes into more that 2cm as they predict.

We got out there at 10ish and came back for lunch and shopping at 1. Then back out from 3-4. Definitely quality 4 hours boarding! Tomorrow we hit the big slope. The big daddy! And his friends!

Working here would be great! Lunch hour starts at 12 and ends at 3. Majority of the day is spent relaxing, but then again, it's German efficiency, so when it happens or says it's gonna happen. It does!

No photos yet, other than the one below. It's fairly tricky to photograph and board. Will get it right in the week.

Dinner included Spagetti and Cabanara sauce without the Ham. Yum!!
Came close to burning the sauce. Understanding German cooking instructions is somewhat harder than a few alphabet alterations.

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