Saturday, November 19, 2011


I've moved the blog to a better prettier host please find me at,


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Before you know it...

It was the 25th of June somewhere between Dust and Dawn, I ported to a foreign land to experience a culture not know to me.

The site was bitterly cold but the company was cosy. The surroundings, dark, much like a dream, only the necessities were lit. Bedouin tent, table and it’s exquisite decorations glowing like a month end sales man. The grinning eyeballs and glistening smiles of faces I was about to meet, were nothing but welcoming. Nadia was the leader of a uniformed group, served an Indian Styled meal. Indulging in the a delicacy of Lagos Chicken and Naan Bread, I got swallowed in the event. Without cherries, desert added the cherry to the meal.

Before I knew it, the night was over, with great memories and new friends.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


"Can we get serious?" the waitress asks me.

Not sure where I stand, with my heart rate spiking and the idea of a coffee quickly changing into a coke to cool the blushing, I politely said what time do you get off.

A little held back by my response, she corrects my terminology and asks if she can make my coffee a serious one... Who would have though coffee can get serious... two cups down and I've developed caffeinson's. A shaking of extremities as the muscles are overdosed on caffein. Eyeballs need lubrication due to the intense muscle movement across my screen, I'm not sure if I'm looking at my keyboard when glancing in it's direction.

Does it ever frustrate you that when you pay with cash, the waiter or waitress in this case, assumes the change is theirs? This means she got double the suggested 10%. One way to instantly convert generosity into greed.

Brain still in Hyper-Drive, I managed to miss-place my parking ticket. The 10gram, 3 by 1 inch paper drove me up the wall. Searching all clothing orifices, as well as backtracking my route back to the money-muncher. By now, my window period to get out the parking would have been up and a second payment would have been due. I summoned myself to a Four Wheeled Security guard who said, "I can make a plan". "How much is a plan?" was my response and he said, "Give me two minutes." In half that time, I'd only just re-parked my car for the 3rd time and he was back. Back with a paid ticket. Probably my ticket. Never the less, I was running late so I donated the Monster R40 and went on my way.

The price we pay to get a decent cup of coffee. R80 could have gone to the latest 'app of the week'!

May the ticket be with you.


Monday, April 25, 2011


The mountain affects brain function!

Inventions were as follows;

Kruger Island = Robben Island
Loin Chop = Lion Chop
Preserve Felt Fires = Prevent Felt Fires
Need to wee = Toilet "I'm going to the, need to wee"
The green green and Blue Blue =
Now Now =
The decision to not blog yesterday was based on the fact that it was the sabbath. Not to mention the fact that it was Easter Sunday as well. Celebrated in true easter spirit we had eggs for breakfast and again at 10 and 12. The first occasion was fried eggs, the second was a chocolate egg and the third was eggs mixed to make Pancakes.

Yesterday was a highly productive day, not only on the inventions but sight seeing. Kruger Island was our first stop for the morning, with a great trip out there. Initiating Sea Sickness for Becky, which didn't last long once we were hit ground. Guided around by an amazing Guide, who had the honour of guiding Nelson Mandela, Bill Cosby, Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama around the island.

The Aquarium was the next pit stop for an amazing experience with all the fishes. Followed by the Kirstenbosch Gardens, which we just managed to squeeze in before the doors closed and buckets of rain arrived. I'm lost without any adjectives to describe our experience there. There are only so many times you can use Awesome, Beautiful, Stunning, Mind Blowing before they become 'nouns'.

By default on our exploring to find the Rhodes Memorial, we found a water reservoir which has stairs, making it a Swimming pool according to the athletes analogy.
Rhodes Memorial was a memorial, nothing fun about it, other than the exercise we got in preparation for our climb up Table Mountain. Box Jumps up the Double Stair is enough to fold and remove anybody's breathe! A Box Jump involves a double foot jump with heels landing sufficiently far into the step so it's not hanging over the edge. FUN!
While we talking about Training we raced up one of the paths in Kirstenbosch, so we on par for a good walk on Wednesday Afternoon.

Today was yet another early start as we wanted to see if the clouds were hindering our mountain walk or encouraging it. The clouds were moving and without taking any chances, we opted to keep the experience for a clearer day. Changing our direction of movement we headed South to the following places:
Hout Bay, Chapmans Peak Drive, Simon's Town, Cape Point, Boulders Bay, Musemburg, Fish Hook and Zevenwacht Wine Farm.
What an amazing experience. Something we could have done over days, taking it slow, but unfortunately, there are limits to fun in life and we must move on. We find ourselves stopped off at Zevenwacht Winelands for the night, as we plan on going to the Crocodile, Butterfly world tomorrow, as well as various monuments and Towns with Wine Tasting in between.
With the guidance of a Family Friend we have the opportunity to experience some of the best winelands and activities in the area.

Wednesday, doesn't hold much except for the big walk up the mountain. We plan to go past Llundudno and Blouberg on the way.

Photos have been posted on my Facebook album, "Cape Town, Bitches" for your ease of viewing.

This writing is somewhat a challenge after a busy week and malfunctioning thought processes. So I'm going to leave it there.
Shalom and Auf Weiderzen.


Sunday, April 24, 2011